Dead Horse 5

Date: February 18-21, 2011
Location: Dead Horse Ranch State Park – Website | Google Map
Hosts: Richard & Jan Girard
Registration Form: PDF Form via Air Forums

This year we are going western as we celebrate our 5th Presidents Day Rally at Dead Horse Ranch State Park in Cottonwood, Arizona.

The rally fee for this year is $45. The fee will cover two nights of camping (Friday and Saturday) and a Bar-B-Q dinner on Saturday evening. Please indicate on the form if you require any special dietary needs for the Saturday night dinner. Any additional nights will be $15 which will be paid directly to the park.

We will have a social hour every night and cowboy coffee every morning. Friday night will be a combined social hour/pot luck, so bring what you want. Saturday morning will be a pot luck breakfast to start off your day. Sunday night (for those staying the extra night) we will be doing a dutch oven dinner, so bring your oven and cook up a meal. If you don’t have an oven, a side dish would be appreciated.

The group area is a dry camping location.There are several water faucets in the loop as well as restrooms with showers. The dump site is just down the road. There is a large ramada and fire pit in the center of the loop.

This is a Four Corners Unit of the WBCCI. It is open to all WBCCI members. If you are not a WBCCI member, please contact me.

Things to bring:

  • Western attire
  • Warm clothing for the cool evenings
  • Chairs for sitting around the campfire
  • Firewood for the campfire
  • Wrapped gift for the white elephant gift exchange
  • Happy hour/pot luck items to share

AirForums Calendar Link

If you need directions use the Google Maps link above and then click on the ‘Directions’ link toward the left of the screen.

If you’re looking for extra stuff to do in the area may we suggest: