Spring Break At The Lake (2012)

Spring Break At The Lake

Date: April 20 – 23, 2012
Location: Lake Pleasant Regional Park – Peoria, AZ – Website | Google Map
Hosts: Mike & Betty Gardner, Faith & Steve Kopp
Registration Form: Flyer

We have reserved the Raccoon Camp Group Area. This is a dry camping location, but there are water faucets to fill your fresh tank as well as nearby rest rooms and showers. There is also a convenient dump site.The park offers rally attendees many daytime activities: the Spring wildflowers will just be starting to bloom, the weather should be warm, there is fishing, swimming, hiking, picnicking, and wildlife viewing, biking, or just visiting with other Airstreamers. And, of course, a beautiful lake for your canoes and kayaks! It is only a short drive to the boat launch ramp from our camp area. We will have evening social hours, and at least one potluck meal.The camping fee for this rally is $15 per night, payable in advance. Please send a check made payable to Steve Kopp for the number of nights you will be attending. If you would like to come early or stay a few more nights, this can be arranged.Please mail payment, along with your name, your email address, your WBCCI number, your Airforums name, and the number of people in your party, to:Steve Kopp
26629 South Papago Place
Sun Lakes AZ 85248
From central Phoenix, take I-17 north to Carefree Highway (SR 74). Exit Carefree Hwy and travel west 15 miles to Castle Hot Spring Road. Travel north to Lake Pleasant Regional Park entrance. You can click on the Google Maps link above and click on the ‘Directions’ link toward the left of the screen. The link is actually to the Scorpion Bay Marina, which is right near the group site.This is a Four Corners Unit WBCCI rally – it is open to all members or Airstream owners who might like to become a member. If you are not a WBCCI member, please contact me, and we will arrange for you to be the guest of a member!

If you’re looking for extra stuff to do in the area may we suggest: