wbcci.net adds accomodation for pictures and videos
wbcci.net graciously offers 20mb of web space to every Region and Unit. While that is enough for several web pages, pictures or videos could easily exceed this allowance.
The solution is to have the pictures and videos stored elsewhere and just provide links on the wbcci.net web site to them.
For example, pictures can be stored at your free Picasa web site, (http://picasaweb.google.com/home), a free Sharpcast web site, (http://www.sharpcast.com/), etc.
Edit 9-20-08; Sharpcast has notified me that they are shutting down the Sharpcast Photos site in the near future. I recommend using the Picasa site. Jerry aka Airstream25
Videos can be stored for free at http://video.google.com/, http://www.youtube.com/, etc.
The FCU has used Sharpcast to store most of our rally photos except the balloon rally which has some photos at Picasa and a video at Youtube.
If you have rally or other FCU related pictures/video, send me the URL address to them along with a short description and I will link them to our web site.
Note: FCU officers can make their own additions to our web site. If you are interested and need help, ask me how to do this.