FCU Vintage Restoration Rally April 2008
This rally FAR FAR exceeded my expectations – thank you all who participated – you made it a very special experience for all. And a big thank you goes to Jackie Lange who but together an incredible workbook with great restoration tips and instruction. Also thank-you to the great food committee that kept us all fed and watered. And last but not least THANK YOU to our sponsors – Vintage Trailer Supply, Dexter, Camping World, Lew Farber (AKA our very own Lewster) and our old friend on the forums, Ken Levan.
When we first came up with the idea for this rally, we thought it would be good and I remember when we first talked to the campground about bringing all our tools and told them we were going to make noise, I really was not sure how this would turn out – I’m here to tell you it was unreal – the amount of time that presenters put into their presentations and the hands on experience that everyone got was just incredible – as rallies go it will be very difficult to top this one – the presenters, attendees, sponsors and the stars really aligned, but I promise that now that we have one under our belt, next years will be even better – YES! this is now an annual FCU event – so mark your calanders for the last weekend in April 2009 for an even better event!
Ken J