Check out the new features on Google Maps!
Some useful new features on Google Maps;
1. Driving directions with the ability to click on the default route produced by Google Maps and drag it to your choice of roads. The map will be redrawn showing your new route and the new driving time and miles will be displayed. This is an excellent tool for helping you make decisions between the fastest route via some other route.
2. My Maps. This feature lets you save your own custom map. For example, I created a map of the FCU 2007 Rally locations at; My.Map
While viewing this map, try adding gas prices by by checking the box on the left or view pictures of the area by clicking the box for Photos by Panoramio or find distances between points of interest by clicking the box for the Distance Measurement Tool to drag a line and display the mileage. You can also click the button at the top of the map to show traffic for metropolitan areas.
By the way, in addition to Map view, you can also click the buttons at the top to select Satellite or Hybrid views.
Google Maps has a lot to offer and best of all, it is still free!
Jerry aka Airstream25
July 17 2007 | Travel | No Comments »